Tuesday, October 16, 2012


As my latest Morsels for 2012, I decided to give you one more of the Notes From My Bible series. Those have been appreciated by many, and I have a bunch of notes from over the years. Your comments in this series have been read with much appreciation. Thank you.

                             Notice in a Small Town Newspaper
In case you should find a mistake in this paper, please consider that it was put here for a purpose. We publish something for everyone, and some folks are always looking for mistakes.

                                                   Christ’s Love
1)  The church: His love when loveless and unlovable.
2)  His love had no cause (that is, in us).
3)  His love when hated by the world.
4)  His love when tempted and deserted by all others.
5)  Christ’s love-from first to last. He loved the church and gave Himself for it.
(From John Bunyan; Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners)

                                                       Thoughtful Sayings
A man should learn something from many examples; even every one that he meets. That is learning. However godly wisdom can only come from God. (Read James 1:5)

The songs we sing and listen to reflect the song in our heart. Sing me a song about Jesus!

There happen to be more places than ever where we Christians are desperately needed. Real love, however, is not thin skinned. We must not follow Christ in search of welcoming parties or applause. Sometimes we are going to receive opposition, and we must honestly face that.

                                        Do You Go To Church?
There are many who do not, for various reasons. One of the most common objections is “There are too many hypocrites there”. Not a good reason. The issue is between you and God, not others. What about when you die. Will someone have your funeral in a church?
If they do, there are several things to consider.  1) You will go regardless of the weather. 2) You    will go regardless of how your family feels. 3) You will go to the altar, but you will not pray. 4) You will go regardless of how much you are needed at your job. 5) You will go regardless of the hypocrites there. WHY DON’T YOU GO NOW WHEN IT CAN DO YOU SOME GOOD?

               The Triune God Has Designed Man as a Three Part Creature
Man is a three part being. 1) The body is world consciousness. 2) The soul is self consciousness. 3) The spirit is God consciousness. (But the spirit does not live until you’re born again.) But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)” (Ephesians 2:4-5)
                                                          About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the only man who has ever lived who had power to choose where, how, and to whom He would be born. Yet He chose, 1) The espoused wife of a lowly carpenter as the vessel to born Him. 2) The most despised nation on the earth to be His people as far as race. 3) The poorest way, and time in history to be born. 4) They were evil times, yet He lived there perfectly.
5) His people were in bondage to the Romans, yet He came not to deliver them from the worldly powers, but from sins dark power. 6) He never did wrong to anyone, yet He died the cursed death of a vile criminal. His own crime did not take Him to death, but ours did. Hallelujah!

God will have nothing to do with anything He did not originate, that He did not sustain, or that does not bring glory to Christ.

The Source—God Almighty                                    
The Course—Calvary
The Force—Pentecost

Grace is unmerited favor bestowed.
Mercy is deserved punishment withheld.
Wrath is the unleashing of the deserved punishment.

You cannot believe what you have no knowledge about anymore that you can return from somewhere you have never been. The Bible is our key to truth, and we must study it.

Truth needs no defense. False teachers always find it necessary to defend their false doctrine. We could say these are tests 1) What think you of Christ?  2) What think you of the word of God?  3) What doctrines are the highest regarded, or is there a scriptural balance? 4) What think you of hell, heaven, Christ, God, Second Coming, the Bible, the judgment, Righteousness?  Heretics are distorters of the truth, and teach error. Apostates are those who once knew the truth, then left it; yet still maintain the guise of it. The World Council of Churches, the ecumenical movement, liberalism, etc., have all been, in reality, like this all the time; but were manifested after a season. As 1 John 2:19 tells us “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have no doubt continued with us; but they went out, that they might be manifest that they were not all of us.”  God ordains all things for His children. He has put me in the 20th, and 21st century; the jet age. But, God never changes the teachings of His word. The old truths will work today. Jesus is the same today. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”  (Hebrews 13:8)  Preach Him, worship Him and love Him! Amen

Published by Charles Woodruff- email: oursong2000@yahoo.com

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